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Category: Leadership Training

Every Leader Should Monitor Google Reviews. Customers Do.

Your online presence is more than just a website or a social media page—it reflects your leadership, the quality of your service, and the effectiveness of your products. One of the most visible and impactful components of that online presence is your Google reviews. Whether you realize it or not, those little stars and comments on your Google profile can make or break your business. But why should leaders care about Google reviews? The answer is simple: because they are a direct reflection of your leadership.
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The Role of Effective Communication in Leadership: Why It’s Important and How You Can Improve It

Effective Communication Is Essential. If It Was Easy, Everyone Would Be Great At It. Communication lies at the heart of effective leadership. A leader’s ability to convey ideas, align their
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Leadership Training for New Managers – Why it Matters

Stepping into a managerial role for the first time is exhilarating yet daunting. While the recognition is certainly gratifying, the responsibility can be overwhelming. That's where leadership training becomes invaluable!
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Training Sustainability – Why It Continues to Elude Us

Is sustainable training like reaching for a unicorn? What can we reach for instead? In a world driven by buzzwords like sustainability and corporate responsibility, it’s time to challenge the
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18 Habits of Emotionally Intelligent Leaders: Habit #17 – Optimistic Balancer

18 Habits of Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Habit #17 – Optimistic Balance   Over 18 weeks, we are excited to introduce 18 habits that separate emotionally intelligent leaders from the rest. These
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18 Habits of Emotionally Intelligent Leaders: Habit #16 – Heroic Agitator

18 Habits of Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Habit #16 – Heroic Agitator Over 18 weeks, we are excited to introduce 18 habits that separate emotionally intelligent leaders from the rest. These habits
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