18 Habits of Emotionally Intelligent Leaders

Habit #17 – Optimistic Balance


18 Habits of Emotionally Intelligent Leaders - Habit #17 - Optimistic Ballance

Over 18 weeks, we are excited to introduce 18 habits that separate emotionally intelligent leaders from the rest. These habits fill the gap between mediocre, good, and great leaders.

18 Habits of Emotionally Intelligent Leaders

Here’s an unvarnished truth: unmanaged conflict can eat away at your culture, driving talent to look elsewhere!

We’ve reached the penultimate habit in our series of “18 Habits of Emotionally Intelligent Leaders,” and it’s a game-changer: OPTIMISTIC BALANCE! 🤝

This habit is all about excelling at finding or even creating common ground.

It’s about being the beacon of positivity and the bridge-builder, especially in times of conflict.

We own the choice of disagreeing without being disagreeable. 🌈✨

Workplace conflict is not all bad. There is a positive outcome that can result from friction but only when it is effectively managed.

Here are a couple of areas emotionally intelligent leaders and companies excel at when it comes to using conflict to facilitate positive change.

🌟 Mediate and Positively Navigate Conflict: Emotionally intelligent leaders don’t shy away from conflict; they embrace it as an opportunity for growth. They step in as mediators, guiding teams towards resolutions that benefit everyone involved. 🤝✅

🌟 Create Common Ground: Instead of focusing on differences, leaders who embody Optimistic Balance look for shared goals and values. They create a common ground that unites team members, fostering collaboration and unity. 🌐🤗

In a world filled with divisiveness, being an Optimistic Balancer is a superpower! 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️

Unmanaged conflict drives top talent away, decreases productivity and damages inclusion – all of which are necessary for a healthy bottom line!

Why do you believe we struggle or avoid conflict? Where are you seeing it on your team?

Our 18 Habits of Emotionally Intelligent Leaders will:

* Enhance your leadership effectiveness
* Elevate your team’s happiness and commitment
* Reduce your leadership stress
* Improve your work/life integration

What’s standing in your way of achieving operational excellence? How can you use the 18 Habits to support your goals?

Share this article if you believe others may find value in it.

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Nonsense-free, Quantitative Results.
Global Leadership Training and Executive Coaching
I help leaders and organizations resolve or leverage whatever is in their way.