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Category: Emotional Intelligence

A Comprehensive Comparison of Leadership Models: The Uniqueness of LEADJITSU Humanized Leadership

In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership theories and practices, it is essential to understand the diversity of leadership models available and how they compare. Here, we delve into various prominent leadership models and juxtapose them with LEADJITSU Humanized Leadership, a more holistic approach designed to address the multifaceted challenges of modern leadership.
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5 Essential Leadership Skills for the Modern Workplace

The nature of leadership has dramatically evolved in recent years, especially as the modern workplace becomes more dynamic, diverse, and digitally-driven. To thrive in this ever-changing environment, leaders must develop a specific set of skills that foster flexibility, inclusivity, and effective communication.  Here are five essential leadership skills that are critical for success in today's business world.
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Embracing Change: Revolutionizing Leadership for the Digital Age

In today's rapidly changing world, the stark reality is that traditional leadership models are crumbling under the weight of new challenges. The evidence is everywhere: a staggering 79% of employees report feeling disengaged or undervalued by their leaders, and a whopping 58% would trust a stranger over their own boss. These aren't just numbers; they're a blaring siren that leadership, as we know it, is fundamentally broken.
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Introducing the CrestPoint Leadership Threshold Theory: A Strategy for Senior Executive Teams to Elevate Leadership Performance

In the bustling world of organizational development, the pursuit of continuous improvement is the drumbeat to which every forward-thinking company marches. But how do organizations transform this abstract concept into concrete reality? Enter the LADTM framework – our proprietary transformative approach to organizational growth. LADTM, which stands for Learn Something, Assess Something, Do Something, is a cyclical strategy poised to be a game-changer for companies that are serious about making incremental progress.
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How to Improve Organizational Culture with LAD: The Incremental Progress Game Changer for Organizations

In the bustling world of organizational development, the pursuit of continuous improvement is the drumbeat to which every forward-thinking company marches. But how do organizations transform this abstract concept into concrete reality? Enter the LADTM framework – our proprietary transformative approach to organizational growth. LADTM, which stands for Learn Something, Assess Something, Do Something, is a cyclical strategy poised to be a game-changer for companies that are serious about making incremental progress.
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Understanding Burnout at Work: Causes, Symptoms, and Strategies to Treat Burnout

One significant challenge facing many professionals today is burnout. This blog post delves deep into understanding work-related burnout, its causes, symptoms, and how fostering leadership skills and emotional intelligence can help address it.
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