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Month: November 2023

Changing Workplace Culture: Identifying Warning Signs and Implementing Effective Solutions

A thriving workplace culture is the backbone of any successful organization. However, several factors can derail this, leading to a less productive and more stressful environment. Let's explore three critical reasons your workplace culture might be suffering and how to address them effectively.
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Introducing the CrestPoint Leadership Threshold Theory: A Strategy for Senior Executive Teams to Elevate Leadership Performance

In the bustling world of organizational development, the pursuit of continuous improvement is the drumbeat to which every forward-thinking company marches. But how do organizations transform this abstract concept into concrete reality? Enter the LADTM framework – our proprietary transformative approach to organizational growth. LADTM, which stands for Learn Something, Assess Something, Do Something, is a cyclical strategy poised to be a game-changer for companies that are serious about making incremental progress.
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How to Improve Organizational Culture with LAD: The Incremental Progress Game Changer for Organizations

In the bustling world of organizational development, the pursuit of continuous improvement is the drumbeat to which every forward-thinking company marches. But how do organizations transform this abstract concept into concrete reality? Enter the LADTM framework – our proprietary transformative approach to organizational growth. LADTM, which stands for Learn Something, Assess Something, Do Something, is a cyclical strategy poised to be a game-changer for companies that are serious about making incremental progress.
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