How to improve employee engagement. LEADJITSU

Employee engagement remains a significant challenge for many organizations, often tackled with superficial solutions that fail to produce lasting change. As CEOs and leaders worldwide grapple with this issue, it becomes clear that a deeper, more sustainable approach is necessary. What if there were a way to not only enhance engagement but also create a culture of continuous improvement and accountability? Enter LEADJITSUTM —a transformative leadership philosophy that merges ancient wisdom of the martial arts with modern principles to revolutionize team dynamics.

What is Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement refers to the emotional commitment and level of enthusiasm that employees have towards their work and the organization they are part of. It’s more than just job satisfaction; it’s about how connected and dedicated an employee feels towards the company’s goals and values. Engaged employees are motivated to contribute to organizational success and are willing to put in extra effort to achieve it.

Engagement encompasses several dimensions, including emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects. Emotionally, engaged employees care deeply about their work and their colleagues. Cognitively, they understand their role within the larger organizational framework and are aligned with the company’s mission and vision. Behaviorally, engagement manifests in employees going above and beyond their job descriptions, showing initiative, and collaborating effectively with others.


Why Employee Engagement is Important

Employee engagement is crucial because it directly impacts organizational performance, customer satisfaction, and employee retention. Studies have shown that organizations with high levels of employee engagement experience increased productivity, profitability, and customer loyalty. Engaged employees are more likely to be innovative, offer exceptional customer service, and contribute positively to the company culture.

Disengaged employees can have a detrimental effect on the workplace. They are often less productive, more prone to absenteeism, and can negatively influence their peers. Gallup research indicates that companies with highly engaged workforces outperform their peers by 147% in earnings per share and see a 21% increase in profitability. Additionally, engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave their organizations, which significantly reduces turnover costs.


LEADJITSU is more than a leadership framework; it’s a roadmap rooted in discipline, humility, and respect, akin to the martial arts from which it draws inspiration. Central to LEADJITSU is The Leader’s Code, a set of guiding principles that can be seamlessly integrated into any organizational culture.

Let’s explore five elements from The Leader’s Code that can revolutionize employee engagement and drive sustainable success.

#1 Dojo Respect: Cultivating an Environment of Mutual Reverence

In LEADJITSU, “Dojo Respect” is a cornerstone principle. Just as martial artists bow to one another in mutual respect, leaders must create a culture where every team member feels valued and honored. This principle goes beyond basic politeness; it’s about recognizing each person’s unique contributions and potential.

Strategy: Implement regular listening sessions along with peer recognition programs. Recognition programs should be grounded in systems to celebrate both big and small wins at the department and organizational level (where appropriate). Encourage team members to acknowledge each other’s efforts, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect. Even if you have these systems in place, become curious. Where are they “broken” or not working as designed? According to Gallup, companies with high employee recognition experience a 14% increase in productivity and a 31% lower turnover rate.

#2 – Kata Discipline: The Art of Consistent Improvement

“Kata Discipline” emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement and the meticulous pursuit of humanized excellence. In martial arts, a “kata” is a routine of movements practiced repeatedly to perfection. Similarly, leaders must instill a disciplined approach to growth, communication and improvement within their teams.

Strategy: Establish a routine for regular skills training and process refinement based on learning from listening sessions and/or survey data. This helps to systematize learning and development moving beyond the one-off approach and expanding on annual training programs or fairs.  Encourage your team to set personal and professional growth goals and review progress consistently. A disciplined approach to improvement not only enhances skill levels but also boosts engagement, as employees see their efforts paying off in tangible ways.

LEADJITSU Ignite Leadership Team Intensive

In the pursuit of humanized leadership, it’s not just about leading individually—it’s about creating a unified, thriving team. The LEADJITSU Ignite Leadership Team Intensive is a transformative six-month journey designed to harmonize your leadership team around core principles of respect, inclusivity, and communication. This leadership training and development program fosters a culture where leaders and their teams grow together, embracing a shared vision and driving sustainable success.

Empower your team to lead with heart, purpose, and unity. Let’s ignite this journey together.  Schedule a complimentary consultation.

#3 – Harmony Inclusion: Synchronizing Efforts for Maximum Impact

“Harmony Inclusion” focuses on bringing diverse talents and perspectives together to create a unified, high-performing team. Just as different techniques in martial arts come together to form a comprehensive fighting style, diverse team members can create a stronger whole.

Strategy: Invest in team-building exercises focusing on understanding and celebrating each other’s strengths and communication styles. Essential here is ensuring team members know each other well enough to value those differences. Use tools that facilitate collaboration, such as project management software that enhances workflow integration. Research shows that inclusive teams are 87% better at making decisions.

#4 – Warrior’s Courage: Leading with Boldness and Integrity

“Warrior’s Courage” is about having the bravery to make tough decisions, uphold your convictions, and drive transformative change. In the workplace, this principle encourages leaders to create an environment where employees feel safe to take risks, learn from failures and innovate.

Strategy: Promote a culture where calculated risks are celebrated and failures are viewed as learning opportunities. Encourage your team to challenge the status quo and generate innovative ideas. Studies indicate that companies that promote a culture of risk-taking are 60% more likely to see innovation.

#5 – Rolling Perseverance: Building Resilience Through Challenges

“Rolling Perseverance” highlights the importance of resilience and persistence, especially when faced with challenges. Like martial artists who must endure difficult training sessions, leaders and teams must persevere through obstacles to achieve long-term success. In these times of rapid change, resilience is more important than ever. Successful organizations choose not to dwell on difficult times, instead choosing to move forward with solutions.

Strategy: Develop a resilience training program and workplace cultures that help employees cope with stress and challenges. Encourage a mindset of perseverance and provide support, guidance, and inspiration during tough times. This should be grounded not only in the training but also in practical day-to-day operations. According to a report by Deloitte, resilient organizations are twice as likely to achieve long-term success.

Transforming Engagement with LEADJITSU

Employee engagement is not a one-time fix but a continuous journey requiring commitment, strategy, and the right leadership approach. Today’s dynamic workforce is demanding innovative ways of leading. By integrating the principles of LEADJITSU and The Leader’s Code into your organization, you can create a culture where employees feel respected, motivated, and supported. These strategies will not only elevate engagement but also lead to sustainable success as your workforce becomes more aligned, innovative, and resilient.

CEOs and executive leaders looking to make a lasting impact must recognize that true engagement comes from a deep, cultural shift—one that LEADJITSU is uniquely positioned to deliver. It’s time to move the needle on employee engagement and drive meaningful, lasting change.