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Category: News

Freedom to Move: How the FTC Ban on Non-Competes Changes Everything

The Workplace Landscape Continues to Change… Rapidly In a monumental shift, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued a ruling that outlaws non-compete clauses across the board. This decision, a
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Embracing Change: Revolutionizing Leadership for the Digital Age

In today's rapidly changing world, the stark reality is that traditional leadership models are crumbling under the weight of new challenges. The evidence is everywhere: a staggering 79% of employees report feeling disengaged or undervalued by their leaders, and a whopping 58% would trust a stranger over their own boss. These aren't just numbers; they're a blaring siren that leadership, as we know it, is fundamentally broken.
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How to Reduce Turnover for New Hires? Focus on the First Six Months

Recent statistics have revealed a startling trend: A significant number of employees decide to leave their positions within the first six months of hire. This early departure not only disrupts the team's cohesion but also incurs substantial costs for the organization in terms of recruitment and lost productivity. It's frustrating for everyone involved when you invest time and energy into hiring and training only to have the new hire leave in the first six months.
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Essential Leadership Training for Managers: LEADJITSU’s Innovative Approach

The chasm between knowledge and action in leadership development is a treacherous gap that threatens organizational health and performance. While leaders recognize the importance of development, few excel in actualizing the potential within their ranks.
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Leadership’s Execution Chasm: Bridging the Gap with LEADJITSU

The chasm between knowledge and action in leadership development is a treacherous gap that threatens organizational health and performance. While leaders recognize the importance of development, few excel in actualizing the potential within their ranks.
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Beyond the Book: Transforming Leadership Knowledge into Action

In an age where leadership advice is as accessible as the nearest bookshelf or digital device, leaders find themselves inundated with theories, strategies, and case studies promising to unlock the secrets of effective leadership. Yet, the journey from absorbing the written word to applying and integrating life-changing skills in the real world is where many falter. The gap between knowledge and action remains a chasm that few successfully bridge. So, how can leaders move beyond the allure of books to truly embody the principles of superb leadership?
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