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Category: News

Shy or Introverted?: Why Leaders Should Know the Difference

Key to effective leadership is understanding the unique personalities and traits of team members. Two such traits that are often misunderstood and misinterpreted are shyness and introversion. While they may seem similar on the surface, they are fundamentally different, and recognizing this difference is vital for effective and humanized leadership.
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5 Keys for Breaking Up with Your Old Leader-Self: What I Learned Introducing LEADJITSU to the International Community

In my journey of introducing LEADJITSU to leaders around the globe, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the transformative power of effective leadership. These experiences have reinforced my belief
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The Flame of the Human Spirit – The Light That Unlocks the Darkness: My Trip to Nairobi, Kenya – July 2024

July of 2024, I visited Nairobi Kenya with Dr. Ruben West’s Live Your Best Life group as a speaker delegate. This was my first trip to the Motherland. The first week of my visit was a blur.
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The Role of Effective Communication in Leadership: Why It’s Important and How You Can Improve It

Effective Communication Is Essential. If It Was Easy, Everyone Would Be Great At It. Communication lies at the heart of effective leadership. A leader’s ability to convey ideas, align their
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A Comprehensive Comparison of Leadership Models: The Uniqueness of LEADJITSU Humanized Leadership

In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership theories and practices, it is essential to understand the diversity of leadership models available and how they compare. Here, we delve into various prominent leadership models and juxtapose them with LEADJITSU Humanized Leadership, a more holistic approach designed to address the multifaceted challenges of modern leadership.
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5 Essential Leadership Skills for the Modern Workplace

The nature of leadership has dramatically evolved in recent years, especially as the modern workplace becomes more dynamic, diverse, and digitally-driven. To thrive in this ever-changing environment, leaders must develop a specific set of skills that foster flexibility, inclusivity, and effective communication.  Here are five essential leadership skills that are critical for success in today's business world.
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