As a senior executive, you may be an excellent leader. That doesn't mean everyone below you is.

In today’s rapidly changing and highly competitive business landscape, leadership plays a pivotal role in an organization’s success. Effective leaders drive innovation, inspire their teams, and gracefully navigate challenges. 

However, sometimes, there’s an elephant in the room that we’d rather ignore: leaders who need additional development. 

We hire good people. Understandably, we want to believe our leaders are precisely what our organization needs.  While not intending to be defensive, basing your decision on how you feel about your leaders versus what the data tells you can cause long-term damage to your culture and productivity.

In this blog, we’ll explore three telltale signs that your leaders may require more support and discuss three reasons why employee surveys can sometimes cause more frustration than progress.

Signs That Leaders Need Additional Development

  1. High Turnover Rates: One of the most glaring indicators that your leaders may need help is a consistently high turnover rate within their teams. Employees often leave not because of the company itself but because of poor leadership from their direct manager. If you notice a revolving door of talent in a particular department or under a specific leader, it’s time to investigate further.
  2. Lack of Employee Engagement: Engaged employees are more productive, creative, and loyal. A disengaged team can be a sign of ineffective leadership. If you observe that employees seem disinterested, uncommitted, or demotivated, it’s a clear signal that leaders need to step up their game.
  3. Increased Conflict and Complaints: When leaders struggle, it’s common to see an uptick in conflicts, complaints, and grievances within their teams. This can be a result of poor communication, unfair treatment, or a general lack of trust and respect. If HR is inundated with disputes originating from a specific leader or department, it’s a red flag.

Reasons Employee Surveys Can Cause More Frustration Than Progress

Often, we search for the answers in employee feedback surveys. Clients say, “We do surveys to find out what they need, but we don’t always get clear information.”  This can lead to more frustration for you as the leader and for employees.

Here’s why:

  1. Lack of Action: Employee surveys can become frustrating when employees perceive that their feedback falls on deaf ears. If the organization fails to take concrete steps based on survey results, employees may feel their input is unimportant, leading to disillusionment and disengagement.
  2. Anonymity Concerns: While anonymity in employee surveys is essential for honest feedback, it can also backfire. Some employees fear that their responses may not remain confidential, causing them to withhold critical feedback. This fear can undermine the survey’s effectiveness.
  3. Overwhelming Surveys: Lengthy, complex surveys can lead to frustration among employees. When surveys are too time-consuming or involve convoluted questions, respondents may rush through them or simply skip them altogether, rendering the collected data less useful. Additionally, survey questions can feel rigid limiting the full and free expression that would yield the greatest value.
Quotes by Rhonda Y. Williams - “The elephant in the room for many companies is the awareness that their leaders need help. Pretending not to know is not the same as not knowing.” --Rhonda Y. Williams, CEO Above the Grind Leadership


Addressing the Elephant in the Room

Recognizing that your leaders need help is the first step towards fostering a healthier, more productive work environment. Here are a few strategies to consider:

  1. Leadership Development Programs: Invest in leadership development programs that provide training, coaching, and mentoring to enhance leadership skills. Great leaders are not born, th
  2. 360-Degree Feedback: Encourage feedback from peers, subordinates, and superiors to give leaders a more holistic view of their strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Regular Performance Reviews: Conduct regular performance reviews that focus not only on results but also on leadership competencies and team dynamics.
  4. Mentorship and Coaching: Pair struggling leaders with experienced mentors or coaches who can provide guidance and support. Show them you believe in them and are committed to their success.
  5. Consider externally conducted focus groups versus relying completely on surveys. In our experience, we’ve learned that employees will open up to an external person who can gather data and share insights meaningfully. Contact us if this is something you’d like to explore.

The elephant in the room, the need for leadership development, is a challenge that organizations must face head-on. By recognizing the signs that leaders need help and addressing them proactively, businesses can create a continuous improvement and growth culture. Similarly, by being mindful of the potential pitfalls of employee surveys and taking steps to mitigate them, organizations can harness the power of feedback to drive meaningful progress and positive change.


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Global Leadership Training and Executive Coaching
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