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Month: September 2024

Leadership Styles vs Leadership Skills: What’s the Difference?

Leadership is often discussed in broad terms, with phrases like “leadership skills” and “leadership styles” being used interchangeably. However, these two concepts, while interconnected, refer to distinct aspects of leadership.
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Leadership Burnout: Why Leaders Need to Recharge for Long-Term Success

Leadership burnout is more common than ever. Leaders are struggling under the relentless pressure of operational demands, constant change, and ever-increasing expectations. This weight is leading many to exhaustion, which
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Emotional Intelligence Training for Leaders: Why We Get It Wrong

Translating Emotional Intelligence Training into Real World Benefits Can Be a Challenge Without a Clear Roadmap Emotional Intelligence (EI) is widely recognized as a key component of effective leadership. Leaders
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Turbo Boost Your JEDI Training with LEADJITSU

What is JEDI? (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) In today’s complex workplace environments, leadership goes beyond the traditional roles of management and direction. To truly inspire, engage, and support diverse
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The Art of Communication in Leadership: Three Strategies Using the LEADJITSU Leader’s Code

James Humes wisely said, “The art of communication is the language of leadership.” In the world of effective leadership, communication is not just a tool; it’s the foundation of trust,
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Workplace Benefits and Leadership Development Go Hand in Hand: Hidden Dangers of Unlimited PTO Benefits

The Problem with Performative Benefits: Why Your Policies Might Be Doing More Harm Than Good Companies are under increasing pressure to offer attractive benefits that appeal to top talent. From
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