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The UCR Advantage Emotional Intelligence eBook

"What you don't know won't hurt you."

In this case, that is absolutely false

Confident Leader - Why Executive Presence Matters

EQ - The Hidden "X" Factor

If you’re tired of obstacles hindering your success, spinning your wheels, or feeling stuck, it’s possible that there are emotional forces at play. 

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Intellectual Intelligence (IQ) are different, and EQ is key to decision-making that can improve your life. The good news is that you can improve it. The simple and effective UCR Advantage method is a two-dimensional framework that can help you maximize your effectiveness in the moment. With the UCR Advantage, you can develop skills that can be life-changing, and experience a boost in confidence as you embrace the power of your emotions.

Explore the EQ Behaviors Holding You Back

If you’re looking to improve your emotional intelligence, check out this informative and engaging book! 

It’s written in an easy-to-read style. 

Inside, you’ll learn what emotional intelligence is and why it matters, as well as how to recognize behavioral signs of high and low EQ. 

The book also delves into the UCR Advantage – including an introduction and theory behind it – and provides real-life applications to help you apply it. One of these applications includes managing procrastination with UCR. Whether you’re an individual keen on self-improvement or a business seeking to improve team dynamics, this book has something for you!

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Embrace What's Possible

This book will help you embrace your goals and dreams, improve communication and boost self-confidence. 

It provides tools for managing conflict, building relationships, reducing emotional hijacking and more. 

This powerful technique allows you to climb the career ladder, manage fear, and stop self-sabotage and negativity. With the UCR Advantage, you can change your life today and live the life you deserve. 

This book is a helpful guide to improving emotional intelligence and is perfect for anyone looking to achieve personal growth.

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About The Author

Rhonda Y. Williams

Rhonda Y. Williams is a published author, international speaker, and executive coach. Her path from career and personal “devastation-to-emancipation” and matchless commitment to transformational leadership is an inspiring model of invincible optimism and resilience.

Rhonda has invested years rigorously researching, testing, and honing her next-level programs and strategic solutions.

Rhonda’s compassionate, results-focused expertise provides a powerful ascension blueprint for today’s leaders and executives. Her empathy and razor-sharp clarity helps construct a path “above the grind” and offers a success-alternative to the overwhelm and self-sabotage plaguing modern leaders.

Through her proprietary Above the Grind Leadership (ATG) solutions-suite, Rhonda enables organizations to create Modern Magnetic Cultures™, broadening and deepening the understanding of executive behavioral constructs, personal-organizational team performance and fulfillment, and practical self-mastery for modern professionals.

"Anybody can become angry – that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not within everybody's power and is not easy." Aristotle