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Rhonda Y. Williams

We Take Executive Coaching Seriously

Rhonda Y. Williams, MBA, MSN, RN

As the Chief Vision Officer, CEO and founder of Leadership Above the GRIND, I am personally committed to supporting leaders and organizations around the globe. Our mission is to redefine – through employing the latest understanding of brain-plasticity and reiterative technologies – the ideal practice of leadership excellence as one which includes mastery over distress (the negative and destructive form of emotional stress), designed work-life flow and intentional well-being. Doing so empowers leaders to ascend above the noise and overwhelm to thrive “Above the Grind.” – Rhonda Y. Williams

rhonda williams

Executive Coaching Program Offer

leadership peak performance

The Power of C's Executive Breakthrough Program

Helping You Resolve or Leverage Whatever is in Your Way

Based on my years 20 years of experience as a hospital CNO, CEO, and executive coach,  I help executives thrive in high-pressure environments without working endless hours & sacrificing health and family.

The Power of C's Process

STEP 1 – Clarify What You Want

Brief Description

This is an essential step. Effective leaders are guided by a clarity that is bolstered by a healthy confidence that supports productive, guilt-free behaviors. In this module, we will design a clear purpose and direction along with assessing confidence and identifying confidence depleting behaviors. With this established, we set the goal for our work together.

STEP 2 – Design the Strategic Action Pathway

Brief Description

After building awareness, it is critical to shift into action. When you align clarity, intention, and action, you significantly increase your chance of achieving your goals. In this step we will identify critical “C” gaps that hold you hostage and develop an executable strategy to begin moving towards your desired goals.

STEP 3 – The Plan for Sustainable Momentum

Brief Description

They say begin with the end in mind. The how we do what we can is just as important as what we do and holds the key to sustained success that will generate transformative results. We will align your clarity, intention and action and anchor them in a foundation of emotional intelligence, empathy, courage, and persistence to sustain success.

Our Work Together



• A clear transformation goal (Co-developed)
• Leverage A Transformational Framework: (Power of C’s or Promoted)
• Written Breakthrough Action Plan
• Video Resource Library – 6 month access



• 4 Month Program
• Eight Executive Breakthrough Calls (one-on-one)
• Weekly Focus-Driven Check-In Emails
• Follow-up Check-in Call – 3 Months post-program


Level 1 Bonuses - Included

• Walkie Talkie Communication (Allows quicker personalized voice responses between the client and coach.)
• Interest vs. Commitment – Audio
• Time is NOT the Problem (Time Management Worksheet)
• Emotional intelligence Assessment and Multi-Page Comprehensive Report


Fast Action Bonus Rate Includes

• Lifetime free membership in Ascension Leaders Roundtable Leadership Group
• A downloadable copy of the book: The UCR Advantage – A Simple Way to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence, Fast!

Your Investment

Valued at more than:  $8000

Your investment:  $4200

Fast Action Bonus Rate. $3500 (If booked within 5 days of receiving this offer link)

Payment Options:

Option #1 – Full Payment

Option #2 – 50% Deposit with the balance paid over 2 additional payments starting 30 days after the initial deposit.

If you have another request, simply reach out!


Our Guarantee

If we don’t reach our goal, we will extend our work together to ensure we get it done. We are here for you.


A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life.”
– John Wooden

What They Say

Additional Media

About Rhonda Y. Williams, MBA, MSN, RN

Rhonda Y. Williams is a published author, international speaker, and executive coach. Her path from career and personal “devastation-to-emancipation” and matchless commitment to transformational leadership is an inspiring model of invincible optimism and resilience. Rhonda has invested years rigorously researching, testing, and honing her next-level programs and strategic solutions.

Rhonda’s compassionate, results-focused expertise provides a powerful ascension blueprint for today’s leaders and executives. Her empathy and razor-sharp clarity helps construct a path “above the grind” and offers a success-alternative to the overwhelm and self-sabotage plaguing modern leaders.

Through her proprietary Above the Grind Leadership (ATG) solutions-suite, Rhonda enables organizations to create Modern Magnetic Cultures™, broadening and deepening the understanding of executive behavioral constructs, personal-organizational-team performance and fulfillment, and practical self-mastery for modern professionals.

Fast Action Bonus Rate (FABR) Acceptance

To Accept the Fast Action Bonus Rate
1. Submit your acceptance here
2. Indicate your preferred payment terms.
3. Indicate if you prefer us to send a payment link or schedule a Zoom to take payment
Option #1 - Pay in Full
Option #2 - 50% Deposit - Balance 50% paid monthly starting 30 days after initial payment.

Note: We will do our best to accomodate a call if preferred since acceptance and initial payment is required within 5 days to activate the bonus rate.