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The UCR Advantage: A Simple Way to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence, Fast!
A Practical Resource for Improving Emotional Intelligence in Life and Leadership.
Are you tired of obstacles hindering your success? Are you tired of spinning your wheels?
Whether you are challenged with improving relationships at home or at work, struggling to make decisions, working to minimize conflicts, feeling stuck, or building self-confidence, there may be forces at play that you are unaware of. Emotional intelligence (EQ) has zero to do with your intellectual intelligence (IQ) and has everything to do with how you are able to use emotions to make decisions that improve your life. EQ is already at play in your life, whether you realize it or not. But, how do you improve it? The UCR Advantage is a simple method designed to help you develop a set of skills that when used effectively, can be life-changing. The UCR Advantage is a two dimensional framework that helps you manage situations in the moment to maximize effectiveness and improve outcomes in your life. Along with these improved outcomes, you experience a boost in confidence as you embrace leveraging your emotional power.
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As the Chief Vision Officer, CEO and founder of Leadership Above the GRIND, I am personally committed to supporting leaders and organizations around the globe. Our mission is to redefine – through employing the latest understanding of brain-plasticity and reiterative technologies – the ideal practice of leadership excellence as one which includes mastery over distress (the negative and destructive form of emotional stress), designed work-life flow and intentional well-being. Doing so empowers leaders to ascend above the noise and overwhelm to thrive “Above the Grind.” – Rhonda Y. Williams
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At Leadership Above the Grind, coaching and self-paced virtual mentoring are core elements of leadership and transformation. We’re to help you explore opportunities to rise above the grind through our suite of modern, accessible coaching solutions.
“A coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be.” – Tom Landry
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Rhonda Y. Williams is in high demand, and rightly so. Her remarkable victory story and path from career and personal “devastation-to-emancipation,” marked by her unrivaled commitment to creating transformational leaders offer a powerfully authentic and inspiring model of pertinacity and endurance, a blueprint for constructing self-trust – a process of creating and growing self-mastery for the modern professional.
Rhonda has invested over a decade in researching, engineering, and honing her singular curricula, next-level philosophies, tools, and solutions to aid leaders plagued by the “GRIND,” i.e., the tortuous “mean-average consciousness” of self-invented overwhelm and learned helplessness. Her work has led her to starting Above the GRIND Leadership Mentoring and Coaching Academy which consists of action-based philosophy formalized into a repeatable, highly structured system.
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Harnessing Micro Moments: How Intentional Leadership Builds Trust and Engagement
The foundation of effective leadership often lies in the small, deliberate choices leaders make each day. These are called micro moments—the brief pause between having a thought and choosing how to act on it. This space may only last a fraction of a second, but it holds significant power for...
Assumptive Leadership and the Connection to Employee Disengagement
Leadership is more than a title; it’s a skill set that requires intentionality, training, and continuous growth. However, many organizations fall into the trap of assumptive leadership—the belief that individuals in leadership roles inherently understand what to do, why it matters, and how to execute effectively. While this assumption may...
Leadership Decisions Matter: Are You an Upstander or a Bystander?
Each day, leaders are faced with moments that require action, especially when dealing with conflict, discrimination, or unethical behavior. These moments often reveal two types of behaviors: upstander and bystander. An upstander is someone who recognizes a problem and takes action, while a bystander observes the situation without intervening. The...
Leading During Polarized Times: The Key Role of Emotional Intelligence
During times when tensions run high and opinions can divide even the closest of teams, the ability to lead effectively has never been more critical. Polarized times test leaders’ ability to unify, empathize, and guide their teams through challenges while maintaining trust and collaboration. At the heart of this ability...
A Night to Remember: Leadership Lessons from an In-Flight Emergency
Recently, as I boarded my flight home from Phoenix, I expected a routine journey, perhaps some time to reflect on recent work and prepare for the week ahead. But life has a way of teaching us lessons when we least expect it, and last night was no exception. Shortly after...
Building Relationship Capital: The Power of Deposits and Withdrawals in the Workplace
Success often hinges not only on technical skills and expertise but also on the strength of our relationships. Relationship capital—the value of building meaningful, trust-filled connections with colleagues, team members, and clients—can be a powerful driver of productivity, engagement, and long-term success. Just like financial capital, relationship capital requires regular...
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