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Industry Thought Leader

CEO and Founder Rhonda Y. Williams

Media Contributions

Top 5 Traits Effective Leaders Exemplify Now

Video Recap: In my interview for Authority Magazine, I outline my Top 5 traits effective leaders exemplify now. Take a look. Do you agree?

Articles and Publications

US Insider | Humanized Leadership: Creating Modern Magnetic Cultures with Rhonda Y. Williams

Rhonda Y. Williams, the CEO of Above the Grind Leadership and Founder of LEADJITSU™, is revolutionizing leadership with her innovative approach to humanized leadership. As a published author, international speaker, leadership development expert, and executive coach, Rhonda has a compelling story of resilience and transformation that serves as an inspiring model for modern leaders.


Communication Intelligence | Should You Inform Leaders About Criticisms of Them That You've Learned?

Do leaders need to be informed about the criticism being communicated about them?

MSNBC host Symone Sanders-Townsend was recently talking about this very topic with another MSNBC host, Jen Psaki.

… she was always aware of the criticism of her, right?” Sanders-Townsend says. “When I worked there, we didn’t hide it from her. But it did not deter her.


Words matter. The phrase “work-life effectiveness” eschews a false balance; instead, it’s a unique way of living, the goal being effective at our jobs and home life.

I quit. Two dreaded words no leader wants to hear. Companies today are facing a plethora of challenges. While companies still feel the pain of the pandemic, many also face stiff headwinds from economic turbulence. Additional belt-tightening following the stress of the past two years promises difficult times ahead. While many companies are throwing their […]

The years 2020 and 2021 will no doubt go down as some of the most historic years in recent memory. COVID came and did everything but block out the sun. It shut down travel, shuttered businesses, divided families, overwhelmed hospitals, took so many precious lives, stifled food supplies, and interrupted the supply chain for so […]

Ted Cruz claims Donald Trump has instilled fear in Republicans to control criticism and that they fear, Cruz says, getting punched in the face. Rhonda Y. Williams, an executive coach and the founder of Leadership Above the Grind Mentoring and Coaching Academy, talks about the politics and habits beh

Find out everything about different leadership styles — their characteristics, pros and cons, and get expert tips on how to pick one!

The main difference between leadership and management is the primary area of focus — while managers focus on organizing and maintaining a well-functioning system, leadership focuses on inspiring, motivating, and spearheading change. Click to read more…